

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油》8月9日华盛顿报道,美国能源信息署(EIA)的最新短期能源展望报告预测,美国今年将出口比其进口更多的天然气。在过去的4个月里,美国在3个月里已成为一个天然气净出口国,预计美国在今年剩余的时间里和明年将出口比其进口更多的天然气。 EIA说,由于美国对墨西哥的天然气出口不断增加,从加拿大进口的管道天然气不断减少以及美国液化天然气出口不断增加,美国作为一个天然气净出口国的情形预计将持续到2018年。 美国目前是世界上最大的天然气生产国,其天然气产量在2009年超过了俄罗斯。美国的天然气日产量从2008年的550立方英尺增加到了2016年的725亿立方英尺。在2016年,美国大部分的天然气产量——大约96%——用于国内消费。 丰富的天然气资源和天然气产量的大幅增加为美国天然气出口创造了机会。 李峻 编译自 世界石油 原文如下: EIA: U.S. expected to become a net exporter of natural gas this year EIA’s latest Short-Term Energy Outlook projects that the United States will export more natural gas than it imports in 2017. The United States has been a net exporter for three of the past four months and is expected to continue to export more natural gas than it imports for the rest of 2017 and throughout 2018. The United States’ status as a net exporter is expected to continue past 2018 because of growing U.S. natural gas exports to Mexico, declining pipeline imports from Canada, and increasing exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The United States is currently the world’s largest natural gas producer, having surpassed Russia in 2009. Natural gas production in the United States increased from 55 Bcfd in 2008 to 72.5 Bcfd in 2016. Most of this natural gas—about 96% in 2016—is consumed domestically. Abundant natural gas resources and large production increases have created opportunities for U.S. natural gas exports.
