

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社8月7日雅典报道,希腊能源部周一宣布,希腊7日启动了两个本国西部和南部海上石油和天然气勘探和开发招标。 在此之前,由道达尔公司、埃克森美孚公司和希腊石油公司组成的国际财团表示了有兴趣在希腊克里特岛附近的两个地点进行了油气勘探作业,而希腊的Energean能源公司也表示有兴趣在希腊西部的伊奥尼亚海的一个区块内进行油气勘探作业。 投资者从希腊能源部在欧盟官方公报上宣布此次招标起将有90天时间向希腊油气资源管理公司(HHRM)提交报价。 受到以色列和塞浦路斯海上最近大型天然气田发现鼓舞以及受到旷日持久金融危机刺激的希腊最近启动了一项旨在发现更多油气田的计划。 希腊Energean能源公司目前是该国唯一的海上石油生产商,该公司去年在希腊东北部海上平均每天生产3500桶原油。 李峻 编译自 路透社 原文如下: Greece Launches New Offshore Oil And Gas Tenders Greece launched two tenders on Monday for offshore oil and gas exploration and exploitation in the west and south of the country, the energy ministry said. The move follows expressions of interest by a consortium of Total, Exxon Mobil and Hellenic Petroleum for exploration in two sites off the island of Crete, and by Greece’s Energean for a block in the Ionian Sea in western Greece. Investors will have 90 days to submit offers to the Hellenic Hydrocarbons Resources Management (HHRM) from when the announcement is published in the European Union’s official gazette. Greece has launched a program to discover more oil and gas, encouraged by recent large gas finds off Israel and Cyprus and spurred on by its protracted financial crisis. Energean is currently the country’s only offshore oil producer, in northeastern Greece, with an average production of 3,500 barrels per day last year.  
