

中国石化新闻网讯 据《油气杂志》8月1日休斯敦报道,在最近项目启动的驱动下,意大利能源巨头埃尼公司第二季度的油气产量比去年同期增加了3.3%。这一业绩被欧佩克减产和成熟油田产量递减部分抵消。 统计数据显示,埃尼公司第二季度液体产量下降了2.9%,但天然气产量增加了9.8%,第二季度油气总产量为177万桶油当量/天。第二季度油气产量比第一季度略有下降。 埃尼公司说,该公司今年开始了3个主要海上项目的生产,这3个海上项目分别位于加纳、安哥拉和印度尼西亚。除外,埃尼公司还在塞浦路斯、科特迪瓦和挪威获得了新的许可证。 李峻 编译自 油气杂志 原文如下: Production startups boost Eni’s second-quarter results Hydrocarbon production in the second quarter for Italy’s Eni SPA increased 3.3% from a year earlier, driven by recent project startups. The performance was partly offset by production cuts by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and mature field declines.
Liquids production decreased 2.9%, but natural gas production increased 9.8% for a total 1.77 million boe/d for the quarter. Production was down slightly from the first quarter. Eni said it started production this year at three major offshore projects in Ghana, Angola, and Indonesia, and has acquired new leases in Cyprus, Ivory Coast, and Norway.
