

中国石化新闻网讯 据《世界石油新闻》7月30日德黑兰报道,据伊朗石油部新闻网站Shana日前说,伊朗国家石油公司(NIOC)油藏顾问委员会已经审查了丹麦马士基石油公司提交的在波斯湾地区进一步开发南帕尔斯气田石油储量的计划。 在此次会议期间,与会者研究了储油层的规格、分3个阶段开发的项目以及从储油层提高产量的可能方案。 Shana补充说,马士基石油公司从位于波斯湾海域的南帕尔斯气田含油地层生产石油迄今即将25年。马士基石油公司在南帕尔斯气田使用钻非常长的水平井,用天然气冲洗、注水、注水和天然气等技术生产石油。 伊朗的大部分天然气产量来自位于波斯湾海域的与卡塔尔共同拥有的南帕尔斯气田。 李峻 编译自 世界石油新闻 原文如下: Iran considers further development of South Pars oil National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC)’s reservoir advisor committee has reviewed Maersk Oil’s proposed plan for further development of the South Pars oil layer in the Persian Gulf, according to news service Shana. During the meeting, the participants reviewed reservoir specifications, development projects in three phases, and possible scenarios for enhancing production from the layer. Maersk has been producing oil from the field’s oil layer in Persian Gulf waters for close to 25 years, Shana added, applying techniques for drilling very long horizontal wells, flushing with gas, water injection, water and gas injection on the field. Most of Iran’s gas output comes from the joint South Pars gas field in Persian Gulf waters
