

中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社7月28日河内/新加坡报道,根据路透社获悉的一份文件显示,越南计划在2025年前耗资60亿美元建立战略石油储备,同时扩张该国原油和成品油的商业存储量。 越南将加入中国、印度等国家行列,在其进口大幅增加以及国内产能不断下滑的背景下,建立缓冲储备,维护该国能源安全。 根据该项计划,越南将在2020年前建立220万立方米的战略原油储备,约为1380万桶,相当于6天的原油进口量。同时,在2020年前达成180万立方米的成品油储备,约为113万桶,相当于14天的进口量。 据知情人事透露,该计划通过批准后,将由越南工业和贸易部、越南国家石油公司和越南国家石油集团共同在今年9月之前,对该项目进行可行性研究。 章盈盈 摘译自 路透社 原文如下: Vietnam plans to spend over $6 bln for crude oil, fuel storage Vietnam plans to spend more than $6 billion to build a strategic petroleum reserve and to expand commercial storage for crude oil and oil products by 2025, according to a document reviewed by Reuters. The Southeast Asian country joins nations such as China and India in establishing an oil buffer to enhance its energy security as crude imports have jumped while domestic production is on the decline. Under the plan, Vietnam plans by 2020 to build strategic petroleum reserves of up to 2.2 million cubic metres of crude oil, or about 13.8 million barrels, equivalent to six days of imports. Strategic oil product reserves by 2020 would total 1.8 million cubic metres, or about 11.3 million barrels, equal to 14 days of fuel imports. Following the approval, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, PetroVietnam and Petrolimex are expected to submit feasibility studies for the projects by September, said a source with knowledge of the matter.  
