

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯7月27日伦敦报道,由于计划9月份装载的原油货物在亚洲迅速找到了买家,安哥拉的一些原油的差价在28日结束的那周里上升到了过去多年来的高点 据消息人士周四透露,在9月份装载计划最初发布以后仅仅10天,安哥拉9月份计划出口的50船原油货物中大约有8船原油货物已找到了买家。 一位交易商表示:“安哥拉9月份出口原油的差价肯定要强劲得多,至少在每桶30美分至50美分。到目前为止,大部分需求似乎都来自东方。” 一名交易商说,亚洲买家本月迅速购买了安哥拉有关等级的原油,其中包括卡宾达、吉拉索尔和Kissannje等中质低硫等级原油。 李峻 编译自 油气杂志 原文如下: Angolan crudes hit multi-year highs on strong Asian buying Some Angolan crude differentials rose to multi-year highs this week as September-loading barrels swiftly found homes in Asia.
Sources said only about eight of the 50 September Angolan cargoes were thought to be left available Thursday, just 10 days after the initial release of the September loading program.
“September numbers have been definitely much stronger, 30-50 cents/b at least,” a trader said. “So far, most of the demand seems to be from the East, still.”
Asian buyers were quick to purchase barrels this month with medium sweet grades like Cabinda, Girassol and Kissanje clearing particularly well.  
