来自 | E&P
编译 | 张德凯
在本届世界石油大会上,IHS Markit公司副主席Daniel Yergin博士提出了当前石油行业正经历的四大变化,分别是全球市场再平衡和成本再计算、页岩气对石油工业的冲击、行业融资形势变化,以及汽车工业变革给油气市场带来的影响。而在刚刚结束的2017年石油石化信息技术峰会上,GE中国区首席技术官吴平川在发言中表示,对于油气上游行业,如何提高资本利用效率和收益能力,最小化停机时间,降低边际成本,是眼下最关键的挑战。
Petroleum Geo-Services ASA (PGS)最近推出了一种高效、大规模海洋废塑料回收概念。该方案利用震波勘测船与生俱来的优势,使用气体压缩机将废塑料高度压缩,提高废塑料的回收能力。
Walk to Work系统优化环境复杂地区人员转移
Ampelmann公司近日推出了新型Walk to Work系统,主要用于严寒作业地区人员穿梭。Walk to Work采用N型设计,主要用于提高严寒地区(-28℃)作业人员穿梭的安全性与效率,基于其良好的性能,工作人员更习惯称之为Iceman。Walk to Work为全封闭、隔离系统,在海面浪高3.5m时也可正常使用,采用的主动升沉补偿系统可完美化解颠簸问题。Iceman可360°旋转,在作业船上即可完成操作,灵活性高,无论平台位置如何都能快速投入使用。
目前,越来越多的海上人员穿梭作业都开始采用Walk to Work系统,在平台间、平台与作业船之间的使用大幅度提高了作业人员的安全保障,是直升机穿梭、吊篮穿梭的完美替代工具。
Delmar Systems近日推出了新型RAR Plus及MOOR-Max锚泊系统。其中,RAR Plus是新一代钻机锚释放(RAR)系统,采用声学释放技术,同时附加手动释放备用系统,相比于常规工具,RAR Plus的工作载荷更大。通过内置于锚绳内的传感器,RAR Plus可以将锚绳的实时张力以直接或间接的方式显示在图形用户界面。
RAR Plus还是MOOR-Max可释锚定系统的一部分,MOOR-Max是一款主要用于海上移动式钻井设备的锚定系统,能够有效避免恶劣天气的影响,提高钻机移动效率。MOOR-Max采用Delmar公司特有的声学释锚技术,是目前业内唯一的声学锚定系统。Delmar的工程设计副总裁John Shelton说:“MOOR-Max不只能降低恶劣风暴对于钻机的影响,还能显著减少钻机移动的时间,提高工作效率。”
据报道,Xvision Software近日推出了业内首款完全基于云技术的管理工具—FieldAP,该工具主要用于海洋油气开发项目的可视化监测、数字化管理以及成本控制,将极大提高能源公司的工作效率。FieldAP具有在线设备管理功能,可提高作业效率,最多可使作业提前80%的时间完成,在油藏早期开发及FEED过程中的作用尤为明显。实际应用表明,在海上油气项目中,FieldAP最多可降低项目成本达70%。FieldAP将海上项目水下&平台设备及作业数据整合,以简明易懂的2D/3D可视化方式展现给操作人员。
Bureau Veritas近日推出了Veristar AIM 3D资产完整性管理系统,该技术是在Dassault Systems公司的3DEXPERIENCE技术平台上建立的。在协同环境中,新型系统可将任何船舶、海洋设备设施的数字双胞胎与智能数据处理结合。Veristar AIM 3D在海洋油气开发设备以及船队的设计、建造、使用过程中都将发挥巨大作用。此外,该系统还具有危险评估及状态检修方案制定的功能。Veristar AIM 3D系统为每个资产管理系统中的设备配置了单独的操作面板,包括船只、钻井平台、设备以及整个船队。显然,Veristar AIM 3D将大幅提高资产状态与性能的可视化,使得决策制定更加智能。
Software leverages advanced analytics and the Internet of Things
Weatherford International Plc has commercially released the ForeSite production optimization platform. The platform combines physics-based models with advanced data analytics to improve performance across wells, reservoirs and surface facilities, a press release stated. This platform is the first in a series of integrated software offerings that will combine proven Weatherford production optimization technologies with the Internet of Things, cloud computing and advanced analytics to enable complete asset management. The ForeSite platform is initially focused on improving the management of wells with rodlift systems and will later extend to all forms of lift as well as management and optimization at the reservoir and surface-facility levels.
Large-scale plastic collection concept for oceans
Petroleum Geo-Services ASA (PGS) has developed a concept for efficient large-scale collection of plastic from the oceans, a press release stated. The solution uses the inherent benefits of seismic vessels and takes advantage of their air compressors and capabilities for handling large towing configurations. Each year, eight million tons of plastic ends up in the world’s oceans—equivalent to dumping the contents of one garbage truck into the sea every minute. If no action is taken, this is expected to increase to two garbage trucks per minute by 2030 and four garbage trucks per minute by 2050. The PGS plastic collection concept consists of a seismic vessel and a support vessel towing booms, in a fan formation, which are connected to a processing unit at the end of the spread. The uniqueness of the seismic vessel is its large onboard compressors, which usually supply the seismic source. These are instead used to pump air through a ventilated hose towed at about 50 m (164 ft) water depth between the seismic ship and the support vessel. The air bubbles attach to the submerged plastic, which then rises to the sea surface, just like bubbles are attracted to a straw in a glass of sparkling water. The processing unit at the end of the collection spread separates organic materials from plastic. The latter is compressed and packaged into super-strong synthetic skins. Once full, each skin section is marked by GPS and AIS, ready to be collected and towed to a processing facility for recycling.
Integrated service offering for offshore oil and gas water treatment
GE Water & Process Technologies has released its new OnBoard service offering, a customizable, total integrated water treatment solution and service plan for offshore oil and gas producers, a press release stated. OnBoard incorporates digital technologies, remote monitoring and diagnostic software, membranes, chemicals, sulfate removal technology, and offshore field and process expertise. The service helps producers improve operations, performance and profitability at offshore water treatment facilities. By choosing the OnBoard program parameters that match their unique needs, offshore oil and gas producers and operators have the potential to decrease clean-in-place time, improve recovery rates and lower maintenance costs. The program is also designed to increase sulfate removal unit recovery by up to 5% and decrease clean-in-place hours and same-day troubleshooting.
Salinity system increases flow assurance
Emerson Automation Solutions has released the Roxar Salinity Measurement System for the sensitive, accurate and real-time measurement of saline water in gas production wellstreams, a press release stated. Through the new system operators can instantly identify changes in the flowstream and the smallest amounts of saline water at never previously achieved levels of sensitivity. This enables the operator to take immediate remedial action to prevent threats to production such as scaling, hydrate formation and corrosion. The onset of formation water and its salinity, if not controlled, can lead to well shutdowns and cost producers millions in unplanned shutdown time. The system, which is a key element of the Roxar Subsea Wetgas Meter and is based on microwave resonance technology, provides quantitative and qualitative real-time salinity measurements in many types of field conditions but particularly in the high gas volume fraction/wet gas flows that characterize wet gas fields.
System built for transfers in extreme conditions
Ampelmann has released its latest Walk to Work system, which has been designed for operation in extreme cold conditions, a press release stated. The N-type, nicknamed Icemann, was designed to safely and efficiently transfer crew in extreme icing and temperatures as low as -28 C (-18 F). The fully enclosed and insulated system is operational in sea states up to 3.5 m (11.5 ft) significant wave height and comprises active motion compensation. The Icemann rotates to 360 degrees and is controlled from the vessel with flexibility in platform landing locations and directions. Walk to Work systems, where workers transfer between offshore platforms and adjacent vessels, are increasingly being used by the offshore industry as a safe and cost-effective alternative to helicopter and basket transfers.
Protecting against corrosion
Belzona has released its encapsulating membrane Belzona 3412. This coating can be brush- or spray-applied onto complex surfaces to protect them from the most severe corrosion, a press release stated. When used in conjunction with Belzona 8411, a release agent/corrosion inhibitor, Belzona 3412 can be cut and peeled back during required maintenance or to check the status of the substrate before being fully resealed with an extra layer. The membrane provides protection to a range of machinery and equipment, from the smallest bearings to the risers of offshore platforms. Belzona 3412’s elasticity and adhesion properties allow it to encapsulate and bond effectively to many types of metallic and painted surfaces. The membrane provides a durable layer of protection against many types of corrosion such as galvanic and crevice. Belzona 3412 also has protection against aggressive environmental factors, including ultraviolet resistance.
System helps avoid storms, improve rig move efficiency
Delmar Systems has released its new RAR Plus and MOOR-Max releasable mooring system. The RAR Plus is the next generation of rig anchor release (RAR) systems, building on proven acoustic release technology by adding key features such as a manual backup release method and increasing the ultimate and release load ratings, a press release stated. The RAR Plus transmits both direct and indirect line tension measurements from internal sensors for real-time display onboard the rig in a user-friendly graphical user interface. The RAR Plus is a key component in the MOOR-Max releasable mooring system. The MOOR-Max system provides a mooring system for mobile offshore drilling units to avoid storms or improve rig move efficiency. It is the only mooring system that combines proven acoustic mooring release technology with efficient proprietary methods. “Not only does the MOOR-Max system allow rigs to significantly mitigate risk by evading cyclonic storms or ice fl oes, but it also reduces critical path time when disconnecting rigs for transit to the next location,” said John Shelton, Delmar Systems vice president of engineering.
100% cloud-based technology to digitize offshore field development
Xvision Software has released FieldAP, the first 100% cloud-based technology for the energy industry providing offshore project managers with an online tool for visual field development, digital planning and cost containment, a press release stated. The online tool is capable of accelerating project timelines by up to 80%, especially during the early concept and FEED phases. These time savings can drive cost savings as high as 70% across the life of the project. FieldAP brings all offshore field development project data—assets and activities, both subsea and topside—into plain sight through easy-to-understand online 2-D/3-D visualizations.
System combines a digital twin of any marine or offshore assets
Bureau Veritas has released its Veristar AIM 3D asset integrity management system based on technology partner Dassault Systems’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform, a press release stated. The new system combines a digital twin of any marine or offshore assets with smart data in a collaborative environment. Veristar AIM 3D will be used in the design, development and implementation of the operational life cycle to refl ect and predict the condition of any asset or fl eet of assets. The system supports risk-based inspection and condition-based maintenance approaches. Veristar AIM 3D provides asset management dashboards for individual ships, rigs, facilities or whole fl eets. This will enable smarter decisions based on better visibility of actual asset condition and performance.