

中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews网站7月9日休斯敦报道,根据美国劳工统计局(BLS)7月7日公布的统计数据,美国采矿业就业6月份增加了8000个工作岗位,其中大部分增加(7000个工作岗位)归于支持矿业活动。自从采矿业就业率在2016年10月降到了最近的最低点以来,美国采矿业增加了5.6万个工作岗位。 来自美国劳工统计局的季节性调整数据显示,美国的油气工业在6月份增加了600个油气开采工作岗位。来自美国劳工统计局的月度报告显示,采矿业的工作岗位每个月都在增加,这对2016年受到低油价和裁员声明打击的美国油气工业来说是一个可喜的迹象。 来自达拉斯储备银行最新调查的结果还显示,油田服务公司在11区的业务活动在今年第二季度出现了增加,达到了其过去一年多来的最高点。 11区包括德克萨斯州、路易斯安那州的北部以及新墨西哥州的南部。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: US Oil, Gas Industry Adds More Jobs in June For the month of June, mining employment in the U.S. increased by 8,000 jobs, according to data released July 7 from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Most of that growth (7,000 jobs) is attributed to support activities for mining. Since mining employment hit its most recent low in October 2016, the industry has added 56,000 jobs. Seasonally adjusted figures from the BLS show that oil and gas extraction jobs increased by 600 for the month of June. The monthly reports from the BLS have shown increases in mining each month, a welcome sign for an oil and gas industry that was battered by low oil prices and layoff announcements throughout 2016. Recent findings from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas also revealed that business activity for oilfield services companies in the Eleventh District (which encompasses Texas, northern Louisiana and southern New Mexico) had increased in 2Q 2017 to its highest in more than a year.  
