

中国石化新闻网讯 据WENew网站7月8日奥斯陆报道,挪威国家石油公司(挪油)、瑞典大瀑布电力公司(Vattenfall)和荷兰天然气联合公司(Gasunie)日前签署了一项旨在共同评估把瑞典大瀑布电力公司在荷兰马格南的燃气发电厂转化成燃氢发电厂可能性的谅解备忘录。 此举可以把二氧化碳的排放量每年减少400万吨,这相当于200多万辆汽车的排放量。 下一步将涉及旨在评估瑞典大瀑布电力公司在埃姆斯哈文的3个燃气发电装置中的一个装置转化成使用氢气运行的可行性研究。这些装置将由挪油在荷兰的一家子公司经营。此外,Gasunie将负责调查氢气运输和储存需要哪些基础设施。 谅解备忘录的范围还包括探究如何设计一个大规模的价值链,在这个价值链中氢气的生产结合二氧化碳的捕捉、运输和永久储存以及考虑潜在的商业模式。 可行性研究的结果将成为决定未来发展的基础。 李峻 编译自 WENews.com 原文如下: Partners Evaluating Conversion of Natural Gas to Hydrogen Statoil, Vattenfall and Gasunie have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to evaluate the possibilities of converting Vattenfall’s gas power plant Magnum in the Netherlands into a hydrogen-powered plant. The potential CO2 emission reduction is 4 million tons of CO2 per year.
This is equivalent to emissions from more than 2 million cars. The next steps will involve feasibility studies to evaluate the conversion of one of the three Magnum units of Vattenfall Nuon in Eemshaven to run on hydrogen. The units are operated by the company’s Dutch subsidiary. In addition, Gasunie examines which infrastructure for transport and storage is needed.
The scope of the MoU also includes exploring how to design a large-scale value chain where production of hydrogen is combined with CO2 capture, transport and permanent storage as well as considering potential business models. The results of the feasibility studies will form the basis for a decision on further progress.  
