

中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯6月30日莫斯科报道,俄罗斯天然气巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(俄气)首席执行官米勒周五(30日)在莫斯科举行的公司年度股东大会上说,由于俄气看到欧洲和土耳其对管道天然气需求不断增加,俄气今年上半年供应这个地区的天然气数量比去年同期大幅增加了12%,出口量大幅增加也鼓舞了俄气把其今年天然气产量预测提高到了4500亿立方米。 米勒对与会者说:“今年欧洲地区天然气需求继续增加。在今年前6个月里,俄气天然气出口量同比大幅增加了12.4%或105亿立方米。” 米勒补充说,在去年向欧洲地区出口天然气创下了1793亿立方米历史新高以后,俄气看到了欧洲天然气需求的持续增加。俄气去年在欧洲天然气需求中所占份额达到了创纪录的33.15%,刷新了俄气向这个地区天然气日出口量的历史最高纪录。 米勒说,为了实现这个目标,俄气麾下的通过波罗的海向德国输送天然气的550亿立方米/年的北溪天然气管道超过了输送能力泵送天然气。 李峻 编译自 普氏能源资讯 原文如下: Gazprom hikes H1 natural gas export to Europe 12% on year, raises 2017 output forecast Russian gas giant Gazprom has increased gas supplies to Europe and Turkey by 12% year on year in the first half of 2017, which has also encouraged the company to boost its gas output forecast to 450 Bcm this year, as it sees growing demand for pipeline gas in the region, CEO Alexei Miller said Friday.
“Gas demand continues rising in 2017. In the first six months, export volumes rose by 12.4%, or by 10.5 Bcm, compared with the same period in 2016,” Miller told the company’s annual shareholder meeting in Moscow.
Gazprom sees a continued rise in European gas demand after setting a record in gas exports to Europe and Turkey, at 179.3 Bcm last year, with its share of European gas demand reaching a record 33.1% in 2016, and refreshing historical highs in daily exports to the region, he added.
To accomplish that, the company’s 55 Bcm/year Nord Stream pipeline carrying gas to Germany via the Baltic Sea, pumped beyond capacity, he said.
