

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月26日消息,油轮跟踪机构ClipperData称,沙特阿拉伯最终减少了对美国和亚洲市场的原油出口量。欧佩克成员国维持较高的原油出口量水平已经让市场对其减产诚意表示怀疑,削弱了减产对油价支撑的力度。但是已经有迹象显示沙特开始减少石油出口量。ClipperData表示,沙特出口美国的原油量已经降至90万桶/天以下,这是自去年11月以来首次低于100万桶/天。同时沙特出口亚洲市场的原油量也在减少,已经减少至400万桶/天以下,这是自2014年11月以来的首次。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯
原文如下: Saudi Arabia Shipping Less Crude to US, Asia
Saudi Arabia is finally shipping less crude into US and Asian markets, according to the tanker trackers at ClipperData. High levels of exports from OPEC members have undermined the market’s faith in their production cuts and blunted the effect of the output reductions on prices. But there are signs Saudi Arabia is starting to hold more of its oil back. ClipperData says the amount of Saudi crude arriving on US shores has fallen to below 900,000 barrels a day–below 1M for the first time since November. Deliveries to Asia are also down, falling below 4M barrels per day for the first time since November 2014, ClipperData says.
