

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月22日消息,盛宝银行大宗商品策略负责人Ole Hansen表示,沙特新立的王储年仅31岁的穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼将成为明年全球石油市场面临的不确定性。他表示,萨勒曼在对待非阿拉伯邻国采取更加对抗的方式,包括最新与卡塔尔和伊朗的争端。他指出:“摩擦是否只停留在经济层面或变得更加严重,这还有待观察。”他同时表示,伊朗与沙特相比对于石油的依赖程度更低,因此如果伊朗决定增加产量来拉低油价,那么伊朗的损失要比沙特少。 庞晓华 摘译自 道琼斯
原文如下: Saudi’s New Crown Prince a Key Wild Card in Oil for 2018
Saudi’s new 31-year-old crown prince Mohammed bin Salman will be a key uncertainty facing the global oil market next year, says Ole Hansen, the head of commodity strategy at Saxo Bank. He says MbS has taken a more confrontational approach to neighboring non-Arab countries, including the latest fracas with Qatar and Iran. “It remains to be seen if the [friction] would stay on the economic front or something more serious,” he says, adding that since Iran is less oil-dependent than Saudi Arabia, it would have less to lose if it decides to increase production to drag prices lower.
