

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月21日消息,机构投资者正在要求石油公司披露更多应对气候变化的措施给它们造成风险的信息。金融智库Carbon Tracker的一份新报告暗示着相关风险可能很广泛。报告发现,2025年前,大约三分之一的按照正常情况做出的投资规划不符合国际社会有关限制全球变暖的目标。报告称,因在气候变化相关风险方面缺乏透明度而遭到投资者抨击的埃克森美孚面临的风险最大。据报告分析,如果达到气候目标,埃克森美孚40%至50%的资本开支所配置的项目都难以实现利润。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯
Oil Companies Urged to Disclose Risks Posed by Climate Change Efforts
Institutional investors are calling on oil companies to disclose more about the risks posed to them by efforts to tackle climate change. A new report by financial think tank Carbon Tracker suggests that risk could be extensive. Roughly a third of “business-as-usual” investment out to 2025 is inconsistent with international aims to limit global warming, it finds. Exxon Mobil Corp., which has come under fire from investors for its lack of transparency on climate risks, is most at risk, the report says. According to its analysis, 40% to 50% of its capital spending is allocated to projects that would be uneconomic if climate goals are reached.
