

中国石化新闻网讯 据道琼斯6月9日消息,加拿大皇家银行(RBC)表示,美国石油公司的强劲表现不会是昙花一现。即使今年以来油价已经下跌逾15%,但是美国石油生产商似乎仍将兑现今年承诺的预算增长。RBC本周在纽约召开了全球能源和电力高管大会,在会上来自于美国石油公司的高管们表示,他们已经开展了足够的套期保值,同时拥有足够健康的资产负债表,可以忍受美国油价在45美元-50美元/桶区间波动。RBC预测今年美国原油产量将增加32万桶/天,明年将增加100万桶/天,而今年美国石油公司的支出将增加35%-40%。 唐绍红 摘译自 道琼斯
原文如下: DJ Lower Oil Prices May Not Slow US Production
US oil companies aren’t blinking. Even with prices down more than 15% year to date, US oil producers appear committed to the growth they budgeted for going into the year, RBC says. Executives for the companies at the bank’s Global Energy and Power Executive Conference in New York this week say they have hedged enough and have healthy enough balance sheets to weather US oil at prices between $45-$50. RBC holds its forecast for 320K barrels a day of production growth in 2017 and 1M in 2018, with spending up 35% to 40% this year.
