

中国石化新闻网讯 据国外媒体4月13日休斯敦报道,美国著名原油和天然气管道公司Enterprise产品合作伙伴公司周一表示,该公司计划铺设一条连接二叠纪盆地和其在蒙特贝尔维的终端的天然气液体(NGL)管道,这条管道建成后将具有日输送25万桶NGL的能力。 Enterprise产品合作伙伴公司说,全长571英里直径为24英寸的Shin Oak天然气液体管道的起点将在Enterprise产品合作伙伴公司在德州盖恩斯县的储存和分馏设施。这条NGL管道的日输送量在获得长期承诺的支持以后将可以扩大到60万桶。 这个项目将增加Enterprise产品合作伙伴公司两个现有天然气处理厂的外运能力,而其中一个天然气处理厂Orla I厂计划在明年第二季度投产。 李峻 编译 原文如下: Enterprise to build Permian Basin-Mt. Belvieu NGL pipeline, plans 2019 startup /Global Petroleum News/13 Apr 2017/Houston Enterprise Products Partners plans to build a 250,000 b/d NGL pipeline between the Permian Basin and the company’s terminal in Mont Belvieu, Texas, with flows expected begin in the second quarter of 2019, it said Monday.
The 571-mile, 24-inch-diameter Shin Oak NGL pipeline will originate at Enterprise’s Gaines County, Texas, storage and fractionation facility.
The pipeline will be expandable to 600,000 b/d and is supported by long-term commitments, the company said.
The project will add takeaway capacity at two existing Enterprise natural gas processing plants and the Orla I plant scheduled to come online in the second quarter of 2018.
