康菲(ConocoPhillips)、挪威国家石油公司(Statoil)和道达尔(Total)联合起来共同开发挪威北海Greater Ekofisk地区三大油气田。上游周报了解到,ConocoPhillips经营的Tor 2和Tommeliten Alpha项目,以及Statoil经营的King Lear和Julius勘探区将组队研究在Greater Ekofisk地区联合作业的可行性。而Total对Tor 2和Tommeliten Alpha项目有浓厚的兴趣,因此也将加入他们。如果三家公司联合开发项目取得成功,那将在Greater Ekofisk地区开采出上亿桶原油。目前他们不愿过多透露合作细节。
来自/Upstream 11月4日消息 编译/尉晶
ConocoPhillips, Statoil and Total have joined forces to collectively develop three oil and gas discoveries in the Greater Ekofisk area of the Norwegian North Sea.Upstream understands that licence partners in the ConocoPhillips-operated Tor 2 and Tommeliten Alpha projects and Norwegian giant Statoil’s King Lear and Julius prospects have put together a team to study the possibility of a joint project under the name Greater Ekofisk Area. France’s Total, which holds significant interests in Tor 2 and Tommeliten Alpha, has joined the two operators in study work on the potential project, sources added. If these efforts succeed then a new development could emerge involving the exploitation of several hundred million barrels of oil equivalent in the Greater Ekofisk Area. The companies involved are reluctant to provide details about the work at present.
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- 尉 晶
- 本科毕业于西安石油大学地质学专业,现就读于中国石油大学(北京)地质工程专业。对于油气行业发展动态、实时资讯有着全面的了解,致力于将最专业、最地道的业内发展近况传播给每位读者。