澳大利亚起源能源公司(Origin Energy)第三季度收入因澳大利亚太平洋液化天然气项目产量提高实现大幅增长。10月31日,Origin Energy表示:该季度产量相比去年同期增长55%,比上一季度增长8%。2016年第三季度收入为3.2621亿美元,相比去年同期增长92%,比上一季度增长32%。Origin总裁David Baldwin表示:“澳洲太平洋液化天然气项目在十月初取得了一系列重大成就。”第三季度,该项目位于Curtis Island的设施总共运出19批货物,主要供往中石化(Sinopec)及Kansai。该项目迄今总共运输53批货物。
来自/Natural Gas World 11月1日消息 编译/孔艳坤 石油圈原创www.oilsns.com
Origin Energy has reported a significant jump in production for the quarter ended September 30 driven primarily by surge in LNG production at Australia Pacific LNG. Production in the quarter was a 55% increase on the corresponding period of last fiscal and an 8% increase on the prior quarter, the company said October 31. Revenue for the three months to September 30, 2016 was US$326.21mn, a 91% increase on previous year and a 32% increase on the prior quarter. “Australia Pacific LNG achieved a number of significant milestones in early October” Origin CEO, David Baldwin said.During the quarter that ended September 30, a total of 19 cargoes were shipped from Australia Pacific LNG’s facility on Curtis Island, predominantly to Sinopec and Kansai. A total of 53 cargoes have been shipped to date by Australia Pacific LNG.
- 孔艳坤
- 就读于南开大学翻译专业,双修天津大学工商管理专业。具有丰富的翻译经验。致力于准确及时的为您提供全球油气资讯,助您把握油气行业动态。